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FILE : kr_td.c
PURPOSE : SNNS-Kernel Learning Functions for Time Delay networks
NOTES : with following learning functions:
- Backpropagation
AUTHOR : Oliver Schnabel, Guenter Mamier
CHANGED BY : Michael Vogt, Guenter Mamier
IDENTIFICATION : @(#)kr_td.c 1.8 4/12/94
LAST CHANGE : 4/12/94
Copyright (c) 1990-1994 SNNS Group, IPVR, Univ. Stuttgart, FRG
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <values.h>
#include "kr_typ.h" /* Kernel Types and Constants */
#include "kr_const.h" /* Constant Declarators for SNNS-Kernel */
#include "kr_def.h" /* Default Values */
#include "kernel.h" /* kernel function prototypes */
#include "kr_mac.h" /* Kernel Macros */
#include "kr_newpattern.h"
#include "kr_td.ph"
FUNCTION : initializeTDBackprop
PURPOSE : initialize the learning algorithm TD-backprop
UPDATE : 19.02.1993
static krui_err initializeTDBackprop(void)
register FlagWord flags;
register struct Link *link_ptr;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register struct Site *site_ptr;
/* set unit's bias to zero */
FOR_ALL_UNITS( unit_ptr ){
flags = unit_ptr->flags;
if ( (unit_ptr->flags & UFLAG_IN_USE) == UFLAG_IN_USE){
if (flags & UFLAG_SITES){ /* unit has sites */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS( unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr )
link_ptr->value_b =
link_ptr->value_c =
unit_ptr->value_a =
unit_ptr->value_b =
unit_ptr->value_c = (FlintType) 0;
}else{ /* TD-units have no sites: direct links */
if (flags & UFLAG_DLINKS){ /* unit has direct links */
FOR_ALL_LINKS( unit_ptr, link_ptr )
link_ptr->value_b =
link_ptr->value_c =
unit_ptr->value_a =
unit_ptr->value_b =
unit_ptr->value_c = (FlintType) 0;
} /* else */
} /* if */
return( KRERR_NO_ERROR );
FUNCTION : propagateTDNetForward
PURPOSE : topological TimeDelay forward propagation
NOTES : needs only the weight matrix of one receptive field for
propagating one pattern through the net
If the provided pattern_no is < 0, no pattern is loaded into
the input layer but all other layers are propagated as usual
UPDATE : 19.02.1993
void propagateTDNetForward(int pattern_no, int sub_pat_no)
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register struct Link *link_ptr;
register Patterns in_pat;
register TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
int i;
if (pattern_no >= 0){
/* calculate startaddress for input pattern array */
in_pat = kr_getSubPatData(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,INPUT,NULL);
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array;
/* copy pattern into input unit's activation and calculate output of the
input units. */
/* order of the topoptrarray: input-, hidden- and then outputunits */
unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr;
while (unit_ptr != (struct Unit *) NULL){
/* topo_ptr points to a (topological sorted) unit stucture
(input units first) */
if (unit_ptr->out_func == OUT_IDENTITY){
/* identity output function: don't call the output function */
unit_ptr->Out.output = unit_ptr->act = *in_pat++;
/* no identity output function: calculate unit's output also */
unit_ptr->Out.output =
(*unit_ptr->out_func) (unit_ptr->act = *in_pat++);
} /*if*/
unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr;
/* set unit_ptr and topo_ptr as if an input pattern was provided */
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array;
unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr;
while (unit_ptr != (struct Unit *) NULL)
unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr;
/* Propagate input to hidden, hidden to hidden and hidden to output */
for (i=0; i<2; i++){
unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr;
while (unit_ptr != NULL){
/* initialization for propagating hidden units */
/* clear error values */
unit_ptr->Aux.flint_no = 0.0;
if (UNIT_HAS_DIRECT_INPUTS(unit_ptr)){
/* this is a reference unit, initialize link weight change */
/* and counter of link usage */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr){
link_ptr->value_b = link_ptr->value_c = 0.0;
/* reset bias-change and td-step-counter before each lerning epoch */
unit_ptr->value_b = unit_ptr->value_c = 0.0;
unit_ptr->act = (*unit_ptr->act_func) (unit_ptr);
if (unit_ptr->out_func == OUT_IDENTITY){
/* identity output function: don't call the output function */
unit_ptr->Out.output = unit_ptr->act;
/* no identity output function: calculate unit's output also */
unit_ptr->Out.output = (*unit_ptr->out_func) (unit_ptr->act);
unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr;
} /*endfunction*/
FUNCTION : propagateTDNetBackward
PURPOSE : Time Delay Backward error propagation (topological).
NOTES : Start calculating the average of the corresponding links in
all TD-steps. This average is used to update the links of the
1st. receptive field.
RETURNS : network error
UPDATE : 19.02.1993
static float propagateTDNetBackward(int pattern_no, int sub_pat_no,
float learn_parameter,
float delta_max)
register struct Link *link_ptr;
register struct Site *site_ptr;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr, *unit_ptr1 ;
register struct Unit *ref_unit;
register Patterns out_pat;
register float error, sum_error, eta, devit, learn_error;
register TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
int last_log_layer, i;
int size;
sum_error = 0.0; /* reset network error */
eta = learn_parameter; /* store learn_parameter in CPU register */
/* calculate address of the output pattern (with number pattern_no + 1) */
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array + (no_of_topo_units + 2);
last_log_layer = (*topo_ptr)->lln;
out_pat = kr_getSubPatData(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,OUTPUT,&size);
out_pat += size;
/* calculate output units only: begin at the end of topo_pointer_array */
unit_ptr = *topo_ptr;
while (unit_ptr != (struct Unit *) NULL){
devit = *(--out_pat) - unit_ptr->Out.output; /* calc. devitation */
if ( (float) fabs( devit ) <= delta_max ){
unit_ptr = *--topo_ptr;
sum_error += devit * devit; /* sum up the error of the network */
/* calculate error for output units */
/* output layer cannot have time delay structure, so no
distinction is necessary*/
error = devit * (unit_ptr->act_deriv_func) ( unit_ptr );
/* calc. the error for adjusting weights and bias of pred. units */
learn_error = eta * error;
/* adjust bias value */
unit_ptr->value_b += learn_error;
unit_ptr->value_c += 1.0;
if (UNIT_HAS_DIRECT_INPUTS( unit_ptr )){ /* the unit has direkt links */
/* error must be saved for each unit of the hiddenlayer */
FOR_ALL_LINKS( unit_ptr, link_ptr ){
/* adjust link weights and calc. sum of errors of pred. units*/
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no += link_ptr->weight * error;
link_ptr->value_b += learn_error * link_ptr->to->Out.output;
link_ptr->value_c += 1.0;
}else{ /* the unit has sites: not necessary for TD-Network */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS( unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr ){
/* adjust link weights and calc. sum of errors of pred. units */
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no += link_ptr->weight * error;
link_ptr->weight += learn_error * link_ptr->to->Out.output;
unit_ptr = *--topo_ptr;
} /* while */
/* calculate hidden units only. add the weight changes of all receptive
fields ; stored for every linkin the Linkstructure value_c of only the
first recept. field!
unit_ptr = *--topo_ptr;
while (unit_ptr != (struct Unit *) NULL){
/* calc. the error of the hidden units */
error = (unit_ptr->act_deriv_func) (unit_ptr) * unit_ptr->Aux.flint_no;
/* calc. the error for adjusting weights and bias of pred. units */
learn_error = eta * error;
if (unit_ptr->TD.td_connect_typ == 1){
/* this is a time delay connection type layer */
ref_unit = *(unit_ptr->TD.my_topo_ptr + unit_ptr->TD.target_offset);
/* adjust bias value */
ref_unit->value_b += learn_error;
ref_unit->value_c += 1.0;
if (UNIT_HAS_DIRECT_INPUTS( ref_unit )){
/* the unit has direkt links */
FOR_ALL_LINKS( ref_unit, link_ptr ) {
/* adjust link weights and calc. sum of err of pred. units*/
/* unit_ptr1 points to the actual predecessor unit,
determined by the actual link */
unit_ptr1 = *(link_ptr->to->TD.my_topo_ptr
+ unit_ptr->TD.source_offset);
if (IS_HIDDEN_UNIT (unit_ptr1)) {
/* this unit is a hidden unit: add the error from
previous units dependent on type of this predecessor
unit */
(unit_ptr1)->Aux.flint_no += link_ptr->weight * error;
/* immediately updating the links cannot fit for TD
Networks! Add the the delta(ij) of all td_steps in the
Linkarray(value_c) of the first recept. field */
link_ptr->value_b += learn_error * (unit_ptr1)->Out.output;
link_ptr->value_c += 1.0;
/* fully connected layers */
/* immediately update of all physical links */
unit_ptr->bias += learn_error;
if (UNIT_HAS_DIRECT_INPUTS( unit_ptr )){
/* the unit has direkt links */
/* error must be saved for each unit of the hiddenlayer */
FOR_ALL_LINKS( unit_ptr, link_ptr ){
/* adjust link weights and calc. sum of err of pred units*/
if (IS_HIDDEN_UNIT (link_ptr->to))
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no += link_ptr->weight * error;
link_ptr->weight += learn_error * link_ptr->to->Out.output;
}else{ /* the unit has sites: not necessary for TD-Network */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS( unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr ){
/* adjust link weights and calc. sum of errors of the
predecessor units */
if (IS_HIDDEN_UNIT (link_ptr->to))
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no += link_ptr->weight * error;
link_ptr->weight += learn_error * link_ptr->to->Out.output;
unit_ptr = *--topo_ptr;
} /* while */
/* update receptive fields: propagate and calculate all featureunits of
the first td-step of each layer. */
/* topo_ptr points to the NULL pointer between input and hidden units */
for (i=0; i<2; i++){
unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr;
while (unit_ptr != NULL){
if (unit_ptr->TD.td_connect_typ==1 &&
/* this is a reference unit of a time delay layer */
/* update bias of reference unit by average bias change */
unit_ptr->bias += unit_ptr->value_b / unit_ptr->value_c;
FOR_ALL_LINKS( unit_ptr, link_ptr ){
/* store average linkweigth changes of all Td-steps */
link_ptr->weight += link_ptr->value_b / link_ptr->value_c;
} /*for_all_links*/
unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr;
return( sum_error ); /* return the error of the network */
PURPOSE : Time Delay Backpropagation Learning Function
NOTES : Input Parameters: 1 : learning parameter
2 : delta max
Output Parameters: 1 : error of the network (sum of all cycles)
UPDATE : 19.02.1993
krui_err LEARN_TDbackprop( int start_pattern, int end_pattern,
float parameterInArray[], int NoOfInParams,
float * *parameterOutArray, int *NoOfOutParams )
static float OutParameter[1]; /* OutParameter[0] stores learning error */
int i, ret_code, pattern_no, sub_pat_no;
int j;
struct Unit *unit_ptr;
if (NoOfUnits == 0)
return( KRERR_NO_UNITS ); /* No Units defined */
if (NoOfInParams < 1) /* # has to be changed (must be 2) # */
return( KRERR_PARAMETERS ); /* Not enough input parameters */
*NoOfOutParams = 1; /* One return value is available (the learning error)*/
*parameterOutArray = OutParameter; /* set the output parameter reference */
ret_code = KRERR_NO_ERROR; /* reset return code */
if (NetModified || (TopoSortID != TOPOLOGIC_LOGICAL)){
/* Net has been modified or topologic array isn't initialized */
/* check the topology of the network */
/* first: save the logical layer numbers, restore them after check */
unit_ptr -> Aux.int_no = unit_ptr -> lln;
ret_code = kr_topoCheck();
unit_ptr -> lln = unit_ptr -> Aux.int_no;
if (ret_code < KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return( ret_code ); /* an error has occured */
if (ret_code < 2)
return( KRERR_NET_DEPTH ); /* the network has less then 2 layers */
/* count the no. of I/O units and check the patterns */
ret_code = kr_IOCheck();
if (ret_code < KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return( ret_code );
ret_code = kr_topoSort( TOPOLOGIC_LOGICAL );
if ((ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) && (ret_code != KRERR_DEAD_UNITS))
return( ret_code );
#ifdef DEBUG
/* M.V. */
while (krui_setCurrentUnit(j) == KRERR_NO_ERROR) {
printf("Unit %d: lln = %d, lun = %d\n",j,
kr_getUnitPtr(j) -> lln, kr_getUnitPtr(j) -> lun);
NetModified = FALSE;
if (NetInitialize || LearnFuncHasChanged){
/* Net has been modified or initialized, initialize TDbackprop now */
ret_code = initializeTDBackprop();
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return( ret_code );
/* compute the necessary sub patterns */
KernelErrorCode = kr_initSubPatternOrder(start_pattern,end_pattern);
if(KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (KernelErrorCode);
NET_ERROR(OutParameter) = 0.0; /* reset network error value */
propagateTDNetForward(pattern_no,sub_pat_no); /* Forward propagation */
/* Backward propagation */
/* 1st parameter is the learning parameter
2nd parameter is the max. devitation between output pattern and
the output of the output unit (delta max)
NET_ERROR( OutParameter ) +=
LEARN_PARAM1( parameterInArray ),
LEARN_PARAM2( parameterInArray ) );
return( ret_code );
PURPOSE : Time Delay Backpropagation Learning Function With McClelland
Error function: E = sum(log(1-(oi-ti)^2))
NOTES : Input Parameters: 1 : learning parameter
2 : delta max
Output Parameters: 1 : error of the network (sum of all cycles)
UPDATE : 19.02.1993
krui_err LEARN_TDBP_McClelland( int start_pattern, int end_pattern,
float parameterInArray[], int NoOfInParams,
float * *parameterOutArray, int *NoOfOutParams )
static float OutParameter[1]; /* OutParameter[0] stores learning error*/
int i, ret_code, pattern_no, sub_pat_no;
int j;
struct Unit *unit_ptr;
if (NoOfUnits == 0)
return( KRERR_NO_UNITS ); /* No Units defined */
if (NoOfInParams < 1) /* # has to be changed (must be 2) # */
return( KRERR_PARAMETERS ); /* Not enough input parameters */
*NoOfOutParams = 1; /* One return value is available (the learning error)*/
*parameterOutArray = OutParameter; /* set the output parameter reference */
ret_code = KRERR_NO_ERROR; /* reset return code */
if (NetModified || (TopoSortID != TOPOLOGIC_LOGICAL)){
/* Net has been modified or topologic array isn't initialized */
/* check the topology of the network */
/* first: save the logical layer numbers, restore them after check */
unit_ptr -> Aux.int_no = unit_ptr -> lln;
ret_code = kr_topoCheck();
unit_ptr -> lln = unit_ptr -> Aux.int_no;
if (ret_code < KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return( ret_code ); /* an error has occured */
if (ret_code < 2)
return( KRERR_NET_DEPTH ); /* the network has less then 2 layers */
/* count the no. of I/O units and check the patterns */
ret_code = kr_IOCheck();
if (ret_code < KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return( ret_code );
ret_code = kr_topoSort( TOPOLOGIC_LOGICAL );
if ((ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) && (ret_code != KRERR_DEAD_UNITS))
return( ret_code );
#ifdef DEBUG
/* M.V. */
while (krui_setCurrentUnit(j) == KRERR_NO_ERROR) {
printf("Unit %d: lln = %d, lun = %d\n", j,
kr_getUnitPtr(j) -> lln, kr_getUnitPtr(j) -> lun);
NetModified = FALSE;
if (NetInitialize || LearnFuncHasChanged){
/* Net has been modified or initialized, initialize TDbackprop now */
ret_code = initializeTDBackprop();
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return( ret_code );
/* compute the necessary sub patterns */
KernelErrorCode = kr_initSubPatternOrder(start_pattern,end_pattern);
if(KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (KernelErrorCode);
NET_ERROR(OutParameter) = 0.0; /* reset network error value */
propagateTDNetForward(pattern_no,sub_pat_no); /* Forward propagation */
/* Backward propagation */
/* 1st parameter is the learning parameter
2nd parameter is the max. devitation between output pattern and
the output of the output unit (delta max)
NET_ERROR( OutParameter ) +=
LEARN_PARAM1( parameterInArray ),
LEARN_PARAM2( parameterInArray ) );
return( ret_code );
FUNCTION : propagateTDNetBackMcClelland
PURPOSE : Time Delay Backward error propagation (topological).
NOTES : Start calculating the average of the corresponding links in
all TD-steps. This average is used to update the links of the
1st. receptive field.
RETURNS : network error
UPDATE : 19.02.1993
static float propagateTDNetBackMcClelland(int pattern_no, int sub_pat_no,
float learn_parameter,
float delta_max)
register struct Link *link_ptr;
register struct Site *site_ptr;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr, *unit_ptr1 ;
register struct Unit *ref_unit;
register Patterns out_pat;
register float error, sum_error, eta, devit, learn_error;
register TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
int last_log_layer, i;
int size;
sum_error = 0.0; /* reset network error */
eta = learn_parameter; /* store learn_parameter in CPU register */
/* calculate address of the output pattern (with number pattern_no + 1) */
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array + (no_of_topo_units + 2);
last_log_layer = (*topo_ptr)->lln;
out_pat = kr_getSubPatData(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,OUTPUT,&size);
out_pat += size;
/* calculate output units only: begin at the end of topo_pointer_array */
unit_ptr = *topo_ptr;
while (unit_ptr != (struct Unit *) NULL){
devit = *(--out_pat) - unit_ptr->Out.output; /* calc. devitation */
if ( (float) fabs( devit ) <= delta_max ){
unit_ptr = *--topo_ptr;
sum_error += -log10(1- fabs(devit)); /* sum up error of the network */
/* calculate error for output units */
/* output layer cannot have time delay structure, so no
distinction is necessary*/
error = log10(1- fabs(devit)) * (unit_ptr->act_deriv_func) (unit_ptr);
if(devit > 0) error = -error;
/* calc. error for adjusting weights and bias of predecessor units */
learn_error = eta * error;
/* adjust bias value */
unit_ptr->value_b += learn_error;
unit_ptr->value_c += 1.0;
if (UNIT_HAS_DIRECT_INPUTS( unit_ptr )){
/* the unit has direkt links */
/* error must be saved for each unit of the hiddenlayer */
FOR_ALL_LINKS( unit_ptr, link_ptr ){
/* adjust link weights and calc. sum of errors of pred. units*/
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no += link_ptr->weight * error;
link_ptr->value_b += learn_error * link_ptr->to->Out.output;
link_ptr->value_c += 1.0;
}else{ /* the unit has sites: not necessary for TD-Network */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS( unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr ){
/* adjust link weights and calc. sum of errors of
predecessor units */
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no += link_ptr->weight * error;
link_ptr->weight += learn_error * link_ptr->to->Out.output;
unit_ptr = *--topo_ptr;
} /* while */
/* calculate hidden units only. add the weightchanges of all receptive
fields ; stored for every link in the Linkstructure value_c of only
the first recept. field!
unit_ptr = *--topo_ptr;
while (unit_ptr != (struct Unit *) NULL){
/* calc. the error of the hidden units */
error = (unit_ptr->act_deriv_func) (unit_ptr) * unit_ptr->Aux.flint_no;
/* calc. error for adjusting weights and bias of predecessor units */
learn_error = eta * error;
if (unit_ptr->TD.td_connect_typ == 1){
/* this is a time delay connection type layer */
ref_unit = *(unit_ptr->TD.my_topo_ptr + unit_ptr->TD.target_offset);
/* adjust bias value */
ref_unit->value_b += learn_error;
ref_unit->value_c += 1.0;
if (UNIT_HAS_DIRECT_INPUTS( ref_unit )){
/* the unit has direkt links */
FOR_ALL_LINKS( ref_unit, link_ptr ){
/* adjust link weights and calc. sum of err of pred. units*/
/* unit_ptr1 points to the actual predecessor unit,
determined by the actual link */
unit_ptr1 = *(link_ptr->to->TD.my_topo_ptr
+ unit_ptr->TD.source_offset);
if (IS_HIDDEN_UNIT (unit_ptr1)){
/* this unit is a hidden unit: add the error from
previous units dependent on type of this predecessor
unit */
(unit_ptr1)->Aux.flint_no += link_ptr->weight * error;
/* immediately updating the links cannot fit for TD
Networks! Add the the delta(ij) of all td_steps in the
Linkarray(value_c) of the first recept. field */
link_ptr->value_b += learn_error * (unit_ptr1)->Out.output;
link_ptr->value_c += 1.0;
/* fully connected layers */
/* immediately update of all physical links */
unit_ptr->bias += learn_error;
if (UNIT_HAS_DIRECT_INPUTS( unit_ptr )){
/* the unit has direkt links */
/* error must be saved for each unit of the hiddenlayer */
FOR_ALL_LINKS( unit_ptr, link_ptr ){
/* adjust link weights and calc. sum of
errors of predecessor units */
if (IS_HIDDEN_UNIT (link_ptr->to))
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no += link_ptr->weight * error;
link_ptr->weight += learn_error * link_ptr->to->Out.output;
}else{/* the unit has sites: not necessary for TD-Network */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS( unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr ){
/* adjust link weights and calc. sum of errors of the
predecessor units */
if (IS_HIDDEN_UNIT (link_ptr->to))
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no += link_ptr->weight * error;
link_ptr->weight += learn_error * link_ptr->to->Out.output;
unit_ptr = *--topo_ptr;
} /* while */
/* update receptive fields: propagate and calculate all featureunits of
the first td-step of each layer. */
/* topo_ptr points to the NULL pointer between input and hidden units */
for (i=0; i<2; i++){
unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr;
while (unit_ptr != NULL){
if (unit_ptr->TD.td_connect_typ==1 &&
/* this is a reference unit of a time delay layer */
/* update bias of reference unit by average bias change */
unit_ptr->bias += unit_ptr->value_b / unit_ptr->value_c;
FOR_ALL_LINKS( unit_ptr, link_ptr ){
/* store average linkweigth changes of all Td-steps */
link_ptr->weight += link_ptr->value_b / link_ptr->value_c;
} /*for_all_links*/
unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr;
return( sum_error );/* return the error of the network */